Writer’s Butt

Most people worry about writer’s block. I don’t believe in writer’s block. Doing writing practice knocked that out of me long ago. I’ve learned to sit down and just start writing. It took some time because I couldn’t write at the keyboard at first. I had to put the words on paper to make them make sense. I still do that at times when the words just won’t mush correctly. But practicing my writing on a daily basis makes it so I can usually always come up with something to write.

That brings up another issue.

Like today. I’ve been writing since around 8 a.m. this morning. It’s 7 p.m. at night. I got a lot done, even caught up on old projects. But now I’m not worried about writer’s block, I’m more concerned about getting a bad case of Writer’s Butt.

If I don’t start getting out to exercise instead sitting typing all day — well you get the visual.

Imagine that you spent the last 20 days writing for 10 hours a day. You forgot to get up and exercise. What are you worried about now? Writer’s block or writer’s butt? Sorry, you have another 20 mintues to practice then you can go for that walk!

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It’s Really Tough

Know what’s really tough? Having people you love grow old and sick. That’s part of life, I know. I’m a mortician’s daughter. Life and death have been a regular part of my life since birth. That doesn’t take the sting out of witnessing the process of people you love getting closer to the end of their life.

Acknowledging this always brings back the fact that life is short. Even if you live 100 years, that’s a short time in the whole scheme of things. Deciding to make life count should happen everyday.

  • How can you make life count today?
  • What do you take for granted that you will honor as special and wonderful in your life as you move through each minute of it today?

Write for 20 minutes. Practice writing and being grateful for life all at the same time!

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Already December

Do you remember the Y2K phenomenon when so many people thought the world would end? Now we are one month away from being seven years into the new Millennium. It’s not the technology that we have to worry about so much anymore as major areas of unrest in the world like Iraq, Iran, North Korea. Situations can change fast, that’s for sure.

As the end of the year approaches, reflect on how your year changed? Is your situation different from what you expected at the beginning of the year? Is it better or worse? How are you going to use what you learned this year to make next year better?

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Wellness Always a Concern

I’m really ticked that I don’t seem to get my blood pressure under control. I became concerned about High Blood Pressure when my husband started having problems with his. I nagged him about what he was eating, his exercise routine and getting enough fresh air and rest. My mom even had a problem until l started tending to her.

Now, the only one in the house with High blood pressure (HBP) is ME! And I’m really ticked. I take joy in my health. I’ve always known that you can do nothing without good health. So I’m getting serious now. Too much sitting and not enough exercise that gets the heart rate up is one problem. I don’t have any excuses with a certification in nutrition and wellness as well as a fitness certification. So you’re going to start seeing a lot about the wellness aspects of writing and living on this blog. It might even transition to recipes and healthier wellness tips. But we can still write about that too.

Any suggestions for healthier HBP that you want to share?

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Academic Writing Frustrations

I help people write academic papers including dissertations.  While it can be thrilling to see these types of masterpieces take shape, it can also be extremely frustrating.  The Internet has become the new sweetheart to online writers providing just enough information and support research for web based articles and other online writing.   But when it comes to writing academic articles or doing scientific based research, Internet sources are not your friend.  I try to get this across to students all the time, but we live in an internet world.  Young kids are trained to go online to find their resources instead of searching through books.  I’m not saying books are not used, they are uploaded to the web, that’s true.  But I’ve seen citations from EzineArticles.com and even other articles based sites.  Some of these I write for so I know they’re not academically accurate on everything but use other web sties are sources.

So what’s a teacher to do?  Just keep pushing the understanding of when to use what resources and how.   Now there’s always the “deep web” that many are not familiar with.  That’s the part of the web that the average web browser wouldn’t look for that houses information from various university libraries or scholarly journals.  that’s where I want my academic students to dwell.  Get into those journals tha tsound like gobbly goop to others.  Learn to read them and understand how real research is done. That’s your task.

Today,  a student called, being frustrated at a meeting where another person was using Google to locate sources for a dissertation; straight off the web.  How that could even happen I’m not sure but I urged her not to let herself get confused.  Just stick to knowing that real sources for academic writing come from journals and other academic sources.  I know, many out there will begin to ask  about articles and more.  Sure, that’s great.  Ask away. I’d love the discussions. But let me know what type of writing you’re doing so we can look at it honestly. Meanwhile, I’ll finish my rant and move on.  The main thing I know is that it comes from not understanding the differences in sourcing information which comes with time, patience, learning and practice.

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Chase Away Procrastination: 8 Top Tips

I call myself a “closer” in that I need to finish stuff I start.  But that doesn’t mean it won’t take a long to to achieve this goal.  Somethings I want to finish have been hanging in there waiting on me to come back to them for almost five years.  That’s embarrassing but true.  Getting finished is often difficult for creative types such as writers.  Putting things off is much easier.  Sometimes at night I go through what I’ve accomplished in my head.  Be careful with this; it can keep you up for a long time.  But what I’m looking for is to identify what got finished for the day.

  • Maybe I finished a class I was teaching and got the papers graded and recorded.  That’s a finish
  • Maybe I needed to listen to an audio and do a handout in a course I purchased and I got through it. That’s a finish
  • It could be starting a new writing project, maybe just creating the outline. That’s the first step and that’s a finish.
  • It might be writing up an audio script for a client and getting it back to them for the first draft.  That’s a finish.
  • In fact, I just took a quick detour to respond to a graphic artist I’m having layout the new brochure I just created for the local free clinic.  That’s a finish.

Finishing is precious.  Creatives, that is, writers and similar artists need to stay focused to get finished.  Finishing is how we advance in our art.  But finishing can also be a problem because of the big “P” factor, that being procrastination.  Procrastinating or putting things off is common when you don’t like what you do.  Who wants to stay involved with what doesn’t make them happy.  But what about doing something you really enjoy?  That’s when procrastinating to the point of never finishing becomes a mystery.

I have to ask that because I really love writing.  When people ask that question “If you had all the money you needed to live the lifestyle you wanted, what would you do?”  My response is always “write.”  Yet, that doesn’t mean it’s the easiest thing to do.  Why do we put off what we love?

I’ve found a few things that happen with that for me.  For one, my brain is all over the place.  I remember reading about the concept of “monkey mind” in my all time favorite writing book “Writing Down the Bones” by Natalie Goldberg.  That Monkey mind for me is probably a bit of the ADHD I’ve never had formally evaluated but know is there.  My mind is always running.  I think of 20 different things at once.  Sticking with one project can be close to impossible and doing what’s necessary but boring is actually physically painful, but I do it because I have too and that’s a part of life.

So on some days, I procrastinate.  I’ve gotten so much better over the years but it’s definitely better.  You too might go through the ups and downs of getting to the finish and having procrastination days that can be difficult to conquer.

For days when you need to overcome a procrastinating mindset here are a few ideas.

1. Make small steps work for you.  When you’re putting off starting a large project it may be because it seems like a huge task that will eat up all of your time.  Instead of expecting yourself to work for hours on end, try starting with 10 minutes. This will get you going on it and then it will be easier to continue.

2. Take breaks.  This is something I have to practice.  Once I get going it’s difficult to remember to get up and take a break.  But sitting for long hours is more tiring than stopping periodically for a breather.  Try dividing the time into small steps and take a break when you complete each step.  Another method is to just get up every hour for a 10 minute break every hour.  That’s what I teach at my More & Eat sit for people who sit too much and move too little.

3. Take a walk.  That is, get out and get some fresh air to give your brain a break.  Fresh air and exercise can stimulate creativity by letting you stimulate the mind.  Plus getting outside lets you connect with nature so you can start thinking up new ideas.  Go for a walk so you can get back to your project with renewed energy.

4. Make a plan. It’s easy to continue on the path of procrastination when your goals remain unclear. Give yourself a strict deadline if necessary. Write down the tasks you need to complete and the details of those tasks. It’s a way of holding yourself accountable for what is or isn’t done at the end of the day.

5. Get to the root of the problem. Sometimes there’s an underlying reason why you’ve been procrastinating on one specific issue. You might not be able to identify this reason until you really think about it. If you can identify the reason, you might solve your procrastination problem for that specific issue.

6. Reward yourself. While a break might seem like a reward, you can promise yourself other types of rewards for completing tough tasks. Decide on something you want to have or want to do. Allow yourself this luxury once you’ve completed the task at hand.

7. Believe in yourself. When you believe in yourself, you gain a passion for life and an enthusiasm that will help you get through the day. Once you believe in yourself, you have the power to get over procrastination and reach your ultimate goals in life.

8. Do the least-liked task first. When your day consists of many tasks you need to complete, start with the one that’s hanging over your head. While you might be procrastinating against all of them, once the bad ones are out of the way, your day will improve.

9. Schedule fun tasks, too! I know, I said eight tips and here’s nine.  I went for a walk, that’s why and got a creative idea.   So I still wanted to share it with you without making a lot of changes.  Just like what I did, take time for yourself by making enjoyable tasks a part of your day. Since your to-do list is usually packed with undesirable tasks, you should include enjoyable activities as well.

Don’t let procrastination be a regular part of your life.  You don’t have to let it be a member of the family who you don’t enjoy but tolerate.  Un -invite the little bugger from your life.  That doesn’t mean procrastination won’t drop in for a visit once in a while; that’s just a normal part of life.  So when it comes in, say hello, maybe offer a cup of tea, then let it go.  It will get the point after a while and you’ll get to “finish” faster and quicker as time moves on.

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Make Discouragement Stand in the Light

What happens when you get discouraged? Do you know to continue writing? Expressing your thoughts in words can help bring the light back to a situation. It’s difficult at times to keep moving; even getting up can be a pain. But words keep coming anyway, even if they’re just in your head. Keep bringing them out so you can take a look at them. Write. Put your ideas on paper and see how creativity is struggling to come out of your head and land on paper. Take control of discouragement by making it stand in the light.

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Put Your Experiences In Words

Writing business articles online seems difficult for many people because it can be hard to come up with something to write about.  But that should be one of the easier things to do when you consider the extent of actual experiences you can share.  Your prospects (potential clients) and actual clients will always be interested in learning more from you based on your actual experiences.  Here are 15 ways to share your business experiences to do some great article writing that promotes your business.   

  1. Create a list of your greatest successes.
  2. Talk about what motivated you to start your own business.
  3. What were some of your worse mistakes? 
  4. How did you recover from your mistakes?
  5. Tell how you developed your web presence.
  6. Talk about marketing on Facebook.
  7. Share the Tweets that got the most response.
  8. Share the blog posts that resulted in the most comments.  
  9. Give an outline of one of your best telesemianrs.
  10. What have you learned by hiring assistants?
  11. Share topics you speak about to gain new clients
  12. What methods do you use to build your mailing list?
  13. Discuss how you keep in touch with people on your list.
  14. What is your favorite marketing method?
  15. Identify your top business mentors.

You can share a lot of valuable information by selecting only a few of these topics to write about. The whole idea is to be authentic and provide something useful to your readers.  When you write from personal experiences, you create fresh, original online articles that no one else could possibly provide as no one will have your exact experiences. Let these 15 points jog your mind so you come up with even more topics to share by putting your experiences in words through useful article writing.

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SEO Writing Still Matters

If you wonder whether or not search engine optimized (SEO) writing is still necessary, I say the answer is “Yes.”  SEO is one way search engines find information in the mass of billions of websites.  It makes sense that some type of system is necessary for search engine spiders to find relevant content online.  If not, how would they know who to categorize on top pages for a search or not?

It seems to me that Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) has something to do with the whole thing.  Not to get too technical but LSI is a process of analzying word usage in particular  content.  For instance it is a way to see how a particular word is used in the context as well as how many times it is used.  This helps to analyze the relevancy of what has been written. It recognizes whether or not the conent actually addresses what it claims to do.

This relates to any type of writing.  When you reach for a book to read you expect it to address what you think it does. People do an Internet search to find specific information.  I don’t know all the complexities of search engine optimization and how search engines find information but as a writer it definitely makes sense that using keywords correctly in search engine optimization makes sense.

Use keywords people are searching for combined with good, relevant content and that gives the search engine spiders something to find. It makes sense to me and I’m glad it does.  It means more relevant content will be produced to meet the expectations of what people go online to find.

Are you using SEO keyword rich writing in your web marekting?


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Business Leaders Have Stories to Tell

You might take the experiences of your business life for granted and not recognize the value of what you’ve been through.But here are seven reasons why it is important that business leaders take time to share their stories in writing or other ways.

Reason 1: You are a Part of History

Business leaders become a part of history by influencing their own part of society and the economy. You have lived through your own dynamic era in history and have a unique perspective on how the economy affects businesses in general and how society has changed for the business world over time. History is a story told from the perspective of a writer. Pick an event in your business history and write about your perspective on the event.

Reason 2: Business Leaders are a Demographic Group

You have a lot of colleagues who could relate to your story. Business leaders have a worldview that comes from getting up everyday thinking about how to influence the life of customers either directly or indirectly. You influence the world through the use of technology and belong to a group that takes risks others don’t. Write about what has inspired you to keep going everyday.

Reason 3: A Unique Cultural Understanding

Business leaders come in all demographic categories, and ethnic and cultural groups. If you are a Baby Boomer, you belong to the most diverse age category alive. Being a part of this rich diversity means having unique insights on cultural and ethnic history, traditions, and events. Boomers lived through the dynamics of changing the national policies towards segregation and integration. People were learning to live together for the first time during your lifetime. What was it like to be the first woman, person of your ethnicity or cultural group in your business or company? How was it for you to encounter a person of a different background for the first time?

Reason 4: Business Leaders Grow Wiser Instead of Older

Business leaders do age, but aging brings about wisdom. Many events you have encountered are experiences others would benefit by knowing. How did you get through the latest economic downturn?What did you do to change your business when the going got rough? You have more wisdom than you probably even realize and until you put it in writing others won’t realize it either.

Reason 5: You Live Life-Long Learning

To grow a successful business you have to continue to learn. The idea of life-long learning probably never crossed your mind because learning is just something you do on a regular basis. List lessons you have learned by operating a business over the years. Talk about the lessons of raising a family while growing a company. Tell how you got through conflicts in the marketplace. Talk about starting the company with little to no money. People need the insights of leaders who have made a difference in the world. You are in that category.

Reason 6: Your Stories Are Unsurpassed

There’s nothing like a good story to catch the attention of others; and business leaders have a lot of stories to tell. Your stories are the legacy you have to share and leave with the world. Record a documentary of your business from start to finish.The breadth of your experiences gives you unlimited amounts of materials to choose from in order to write stories of how your business functioned over the years, what people did in the workplace, and interactions you encountered over time. .

Reason 7: You Created What Others Only Imagine

Thousands of people each day are studying concepts of organizational behavior and change management. Many want to know how to work with teams. With your personal experiences these are topics you can write about with ease and give the practical side of the story. It’s necessary to know the theory but hearing how to live out the steps is equally or even more valuable. You have created ideas that others only imagine. Tell that story and inspire the creativity of others.

Writing business memoirs will never grow old. You could start today thinking of your business history and end up with a list of wonderful remembrances that help business owners stay inspired.

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