Business Leaders Have Stories to Tell

You might take the experiences of your business life for granted and not recognize the value of what you’ve been through.But here are seven reasons why it is important that business leaders take time to share their stories in writing or other ways.

Reason 1: You are a Part of History

Business leaders become a part of history by influencing their own part of society and the economy. You have lived through your own dynamic era in history and have a unique perspective on how the economy affects businesses in general and how society has changed for the business world over time. History is a story told from the perspective of a writer. Pick an event in your business history and write about your perspective on the event.

Reason 2: Business Leaders are a Demographic Group

You have a lot of colleagues who could relate to your story. Business leaders have a worldview that comes from getting up everyday thinking about how to influence the life of customers either directly or indirectly. You influence the world through the use of technology and belong to a group that takes risks others don’t. Write about what has inspired you to keep going everyday.

Reason 3: A Unique Cultural Understanding

Business leaders come in all demographic categories, and ethnic and cultural groups. If you are a Baby Boomer, you belong to the most diverse age category alive. Being a part of this rich diversity means having unique insights on cultural and ethnic history, traditions, and events. Boomers lived through the dynamics of changing the national policies towards segregation and integration. People were learning to live together for the first time during your lifetime. What was it like to be the first woman, person of your ethnicity or cultural group in your business or company? How was it for you to encounter a person of a different background for the first time?

Reason 4: Business Leaders Grow Wiser Instead of Older

Business leaders do age, but aging brings about wisdom. Many events you have encountered are experiences others would benefit by knowing. How did you get through the latest economic downturn?What did you do to change your business when the going got rough? You have more wisdom than you probably even realize and until you put it in writing others won’t realize it either.

Reason 5: You Live Life-Long Learning

To grow a successful business you have to continue to learn. The idea of life-long learning probably never crossed your mind because learning is just something you do on a regular basis. List lessons you have learned by operating a business over the years. Talk about the lessons of raising a family while growing a company. Tell how you got through conflicts in the marketplace. Talk about starting the company with little to no money. People need the insights of leaders who have made a difference in the world. You are in that category.

Reason 6: Your Stories Are Unsurpassed

There’s nothing like a good story to catch the attention of others; and business leaders have a lot of stories to tell. Your stories are the legacy you have to share and leave with the world. Record a documentary of your business from start to finish.The breadth of your experiences gives you unlimited amounts of materials to choose from in order to write stories of how your business functioned over the years, what people did in the workplace, and interactions you encountered over time. .

Reason 7: You Created What Others Only Imagine

Thousands of people each day are studying concepts of organizational behavior and change management. Many want to know how to work with teams. With your personal experiences these are topics you can write about with ease and give the practical side of the story. It’s necessary to know the theory but hearing how to live out the steps is equally or even more valuable. You have created ideas that others only imagine. Tell that story and inspire the creativity of others.

Writing business memoirs will never grow old. You could start today thinking of your business history and end up with a list of wonderful remembrances that help business owners stay inspired.

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